Thursday, January 28, 2016

" all I want is nothing more,
to hear you knocking at my door"

Monday, January 25, 2016

Dear me,

Please stop doing stupid things and embarrassed yourself. Please stop doing things that will make 50 year old you be disappointed in 22 year old you.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

What if the sun and moon are star-crossed lovers that only meet once every eclipse?

What if the stars in the sky are actually our little guardian angels, letting us know that we are not alone?

Friday, January 22, 2016

How could happiness be all dependent on just one person?

Thursday, January 21, 2016


-having or showing dogged determination not to change one's attitude or position on something, especially in spite of good reasons to do so. (credit: google search engine)

This particular word just came to my head this afternoon when I was on my way to school. 

Aren't we all stubborn in one way or another? 

We all should have something that we strongly believe in or hold on to no matter what others say. So to say one is stubborn just because you do not agree with his/her doing is just equal to saying that you are stubborn because you refuse to believe/listen to what he/she is doing? 

Therefore, no one person should be more stubborn as the other? Because we all have something we are stubborn in? 

okay I think I'm rambling on right now because I had a few drinks and I'm super disappointed with the test i did today.

That being said, I'm stubborn in my own ways. 

Like how I only drink ice lemon tea from certain brands, like how I only eat chicken thigh and not chicken breast, like how I could not let you go even after so many months. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

I saw this on facebook the other day and I really like how the writer described love.

"Maybe love is not in fancy dinners, late night walks by the river, or going to the movies. Maybe love is not in holding hands, long car drives, or an outing to the beach.

Maybe love is in trying to find freshly squeezed orange juice to go with the vodka, because you know they don't like artificially flavored juices. Maybe love is in the small gesture of knowing that they like their coffee with cream and two tablespoons of sugar, no more, no less. Maybe love is when you set the temperature to 75, even when you are too hot, because they feel too cold.

Maybe love is not a destination, but a journey, which is beautiful, because you have them by your side. Maybe love is not in being perfectly immaculate, but being immaculately imperfect."

-Shivee Chauchan

Because it's the littlest things that count, and the rest are just bonuses that comes along the way when you love someone.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016



I want to write a post about myself, to start my self-discovery or something like that, to understand who I am because I get so ever confused with myself at times. 

I know for one fact is, I'm weird. But aren't we all weird in our own ways? I want to embrace my weirdness, and to unravel even more weirdness about myself. So, this post might just be an ongoing one as I embarked this journey of self-discovery. 

The first thing that came into my mind when I think about myself is that I fart. A LOT. I'm not like most girls who try to control their farts. I'm not like that. Because I fart so much, it makes no sense for me to control it. And I like to think that I have a healthy bowel system. Even now when I'm typing this, I could feel my tummy generating some gas for me to let it all out later. I fart so much that I tend to suffocate myself at times with the scent of it. Isn't farting part of human nature? Which is why i could never understand when people tend to get embarrassed by it (myself included. OOPS). People who cannot take farts should never ever be friends with me. #truth

The next thing is I really love ice lemon tea. Like really. It has become such a big part of my life. It serves as wake me up drink like how coffee do to humans, except I like to believe that I'm not dependent on it. I just simply LOVE it. But I do not love all ice lemon teas, only a few brands are my go-to. The best one are those that are homemade, like real brewed black tea with lemon slices in it. Yum. Yup those. I have criteria for my ice lemon tea, I have standards. 


Sunday, January 3, 2016


To learn to count my blessings.