I'm blessed.
Blessed with so many special people in my life.
10s28!, it's amazing how our class managed to get bonded together so fast. i must say, it's all thanks to the orientation. You guys are like angels, having just flew into my life, making me so ever happy and finally contented with my life. And thanks, for having go through so much trouble to plan my special day. You guys are the sweetest. And i must say, thank you for letting me be part of your life too. (though i know it isnt any of your choice either. haha.)
Farah, omai, ain, ice, jessie, jieni, jasmine, brenda and those from 4P1, you guys have nonetheless touched me again. Thank you for the surprise. It was totally unexpected again, and i was actually glad by my stupidity. haha. It must be hard to plan, since all of us are in different schools already, but you guys still went all out just to make me happy. and yup, I am Happy. You guys are like the sun in my life, always showering me with all your love. I sure do miss you guys a hell lots, so we must continue to hang out every now and then yea!?
The other bpians, cheryl, junyong, changrong and minghui, my darlings OGL: yanying & Daryl. haha. i must say, it's funny how we are in the same school for 4 years already, but only started getting closer in jc. i realised i wasted my 4 years of life not knowing you guys!!! thanks all of you so sweet and nice to me. haha. i just hope as years come by, we will continue to get closer and closer to each other, being great friends till we are old. Cause you guys are seriously the sweetest of them all. and perhaps, by then, i will be less violence. :D
For the others, thank you very much for making me feel so loved on this very special day. You guys are truly very amazing. MUACKXX.